Culturedation: Conducting an Effective Performance Review for your Company Culture

An effective performance review is an important practice for your company culture as part of assessing and evaluating your employees' performance.

This is typically done to review your employees' performance over a set period and timeline (e.g. annually, biannually, quarterly, probation period etc).

How to conduct a performance review effectively?

When conducting the performance review with your employees, here are 3 areas you can cover using the AID acronym:

  • Accomplishment
  • Improvement
  • Development


The performance review is an opportunity to recognise your employees' accomplishments from his/her work performance.

On this, you can refer to your employees'

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Work challenges successfully overcame
  • Contributions to the team and company goals

Take this opportunity to show positive appreciation, encouragement and reinforcement for your employees' efforts to keep up the great work being done.


The performance review is also an occasion to highlight areas of improvement for your employees.

Do this with professional emphathy, providing constructive and actionable feedback to your employees as you review together what can potentially be done differently and/or better moving forward for their work.

In fact, you don't have to 'wait' until the performance review to highlight these areas of improvement if need be, as they can also be brought up during informal work catch-ups and check-ins as well with your employees.


During the performance review, don't miss the chance to also discuss your employees' career development plans and goals with the company.

In addition to keeping your employees engaged and motivated at work, this enables you to identify how you can further support your employees' growth within the company.

Once done, you can work together on creating and implementing a career development plan for your employees over a set time frame with the company (e.g. 1 year, 6 months etc) and track its progress together.

What next?

Don't make the mistake of treating performance reviews as simply a 'checklist' and 'form-filling' exercise with your employees. It is much more than that!

AID your employees with better performance reviews as you foster better performing employees for your better company culture.


Culturedation specialises in Company Culture Advisory and Workshops, helping you align your Company Culture with your Business.

Feel free to browse our Guides section for more useful company culture resources.

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